Your gift transforms lives, families, and communities

Explore the story of Open Arms Housing and our mission to provide a safe haven for those in need.

Donate Stocks and Securities

Gifting stock is a simple and powerful way to support the lifesaving work that Open Arms Housing does every day. It also offers you a number of financial benefits:

You can easily donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible.

There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation.If you have any questions about the two-step process for stock donations below, email [email protected]

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Your gift in honor or in memory of a loved one will provide life-saving treatment to individuals seeking long-term recovery.

In Memory

Make a donation in memory of a loved one. When an ‘In Memory’ gift is received, we promptly inform the person or family indicated (please provide address information), notifying them of your thoughtful donation but not revealing the amount. Each gift may be tax-deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement for your donation.

To make your gift online, click here.

Or, mail your gift to Open Arms, Attn: Development Department, 57 O Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.

In lieu of Flowers

In lieu of flowers, you may request donations to support chronic homelessness services in honor of your loved one’s life. Notifying us that you are collecting donations to benefit Open Arms Housing in honor of your loved one will help us appropriately acknowledge your thoughtful request and steward those who give.

Please complete this form and send it to us by mail or email at [email protected].

Workplace Giving & Matching Gifts

What is a matching gift and how do companies match donations?

When an employee donates to a non-profit organization and the employer will also donate to that organization, most often dollar for dollar, that is known as a matching gift. It is part of a company’s philanthropic initiatives that reward charitable donations. Companies will sometimes also match donations made by spouses, retirees, and board members.Ask your Human Resources department if your company matches charitable gifts to nonprofit organizations. Open Arms is happy to confirm your gift or to satisfy any other requirements your company may have.

Many employers do not share the supporters contact information with us. If you would like to receive newsletters, emails, and thanks for the impact of your gift, please email us at [email protected] noting your contact information and that you are a donor through your employer and would like to receive information from us.

United Way

If your employer participates in the United Way Workplace Campaigns program, you may designate Open Arms as your charity of choice. If your local United Way campaigns does not list Open Arms, you may write in Open Arms on the pledge card, along with this address: 57 Open Arms Housing, Washington, DC 2000. Our United Way designation code will vary by United Way regional office.

Combined Federal Campaign

If your employer participates in the Combined Federal Workplace Campaigns program, you may designate Open Arms as your charity of choice. If your local Combined Federal campaigns does not list Open Arms, our Combined Federal Campaign # is 51198.

Legacy Gifts

If you are looking for maybe a different or creative way to support Open Arms or ending chronic homelessness then a Legacy Gift may be a option to explore. Through this option, both you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time.Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts,” because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Open Arms.

Other Ways to Give

Raise money through a Facebook campaign or our Online Giving PortalWhether your reason to raise funds for Open Arms is a life event like celebrating a birthday, sobriety date, wedding or anniversary, or you want to raise funds just because you love our mission, your fundraising campaign designating Open Arms will continue to assist us in our of goal of providing housing to chronic homeless women and families through a specialized case management model tailored to promote housing stability, independence and empowerment through risk assessments, harm reduction and person-centered approaches. Click Here To Donate

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